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Совмещение фотографий

Сообщений 1 страница 7 из 7


самое простое))

1. Первое что нужно, это два изображения (для web надо чтобы было 72 точки на дюйм) в RGB цвете.

2. Мы будем комбинировать два изображения
Берем move tool (V),протащите одно изображение в другое окно и новый слой будет создан автоматически, что бы разместить изображение по центру переносим его с зажатой клавишей "Shift".

3. Создаем маску слоя. Маска слоя прозрачна.

4. Берем инструмент градиента (G), сброс установок (D), цвет градиента от черного к прозрачному и тащим через все изображение по диагонали.

5. Можно использовать кисть (cool.gif, черного цвета кисть будет стирать рисунок, а белая кисть возобновлять. Используйте мягкую твердость кисти для лучших результатов.

6. Для интересной вариации измените эффект слоя на Multiply (Умножение).
Получится как будто клавиатура отражается в часах

Вот и всё)

источник Demiart



спасибо за урок!



Empire Market is famous and most notorious Deep Web Marketplace at the time. Being this big has it's consequences regular Ddos attacks causes main Empire Market URL to be down, and alternative mirror as well. That means that empire marketplace had to design more and more URL and onion mirrors and links. And the thing is that there is not much ways users can discover a right Empire Market URl.
That's why Empire Marketplace decided to create an original webpage where their users can always find legit URLs and onion mirrors, for quick enter to Empire Market. Here it is http://empiremarket.site/ be sure you using whenever you want to enter to darknet market empire market.



You are allowed to login at distinctive Deep Web marketplaces with the only help of URLs, which suggests a tricky situation : new customers and dealers can't enroll until they will receive an alternative link from an previously joined user.
Look at http://deeponionmarkets.com/, it stores active alternative URL to all of the Darknet marketplaces. You shall follow these urls in order to register on the sites.
Whenever there are some problems with an access (links don't work), you may hang around and check for Deepweb marketplaces links. Keep trying, as long as few marketplaces close and launch registrations frequently, based on server load.



Empire Market is great and most popular Darknet Market right now. Being this big it faces the problem of constant Ddos attacks causes prime Empire Market URL to be down, and alternative link too. That means that empire market had to make more and more URLs and onion links and mirror. And the problem is that there are not too much ways users can discover a right Empire Marketplace URl.
So that's why Empire Marketplace decided to create an official site where their users can at any time discover legit URLs and onion mirrors, for instant access to Empire Market. Here it is http://empiremarketurl.com/ be sure you using it every time you you wish to enter to darknet market empire market.



You can to login at several Dark Web marketplaces only with an links, what determines the following : inpending clients and vendors don’t have a possibility enroll until they will obtain an URLs from an previously enrolled vendor or buyer.
Those can be found at https://banned/, it stores updated link to all of the Deep Web marketplaces. You ought to follow these urls to register on the sites.
In case that there are some troubles with an access (links don't work), you may lie in wait and check for Deep Web markets alternative link. Carry on, as long as few marketplaces close and open signing up periodically, due to server load.



Empire Market is glorious and most popular Onion Network Marketplace right now. Being this famous it faces the problem of nonstop Ddos attack witch leads main Empire Market URL to be down, and alternative URLs too. That means that empire marketplace have to make more and more URLs and tor mirrors and links. And the thing is that there is not too much ways costumers can get a fresh Empire Market URl.
That's why Empire Market decided to create an original site where their users can at any time find fresh URLs and onion mirrors, for instant enter to Empire Market. Here it is https://empiremarketonion.com sure you using it every time you you wish to enter to darknet market empire market.


Вы здесь » 1st Work place » Уроки1 » Совмещение фотографий